I recently received a yoni massage from Aleya and it was an incredibly powerful experience. I didn't know what to expect going into it -- I was a bit nervous and unsure of what the experience would entail. I ended up having a potent ancestral healing journey, unlocking ancient memories stored in my womb. I felt so many emotions, stories, and beliefs flow through my body as I retraced the history of my lineage. Since the session, I feel so much more grounded in my work in the world. I feel that something sacred was resolved in this experience. I highly recommend a yoni massage to any woman walking a healing path!

— Alex C, Nor CA | Tantric Massage (Yoni)

“Aleya, first and foremost, is a healer. Totally at home in the present moment, a leader by example, and possesses a unique wisdom in the space of eros. Not only would I recommend her to any individual or couple, but encourage anyone open to expanding their creative horizons to at least have a short conversation with her to simply sense her power. Our first session was transformative, and certainly will not be our last…”

— Couple, So CA | Revival Engagement

“Working with Aleya in this capacity was such a gift. She helped me to connect with a part of myself I hadn’t connected with in a long time- to  release some pain I had bean holding on to. To allow myself to feel like I could simply receive. Her ability to attune to your body with such presence, direction and softness is masterful. She knows what she’s doing. I highly recommend working with her.”

— Male, Nor CA | Tantric Massage (Lingham)

“My decision to move forward in the course and working with Aleya took me into the most delicious exploration of self-love, sensuality, and eroticism and I must say, it was a life-changing experience! Aleya taught me to celebrate me, my body, my desire, my expressions and to view them as a positive and healthy part of who I am. Aleya is an amazing facilitator who is knowledgeable, passionate, intuitive, and supportive, and the course materials were comprehensive and easy to follow. “

— Sydney, WA | Soma & Eros Coaching